Compared to my participation in a play production, my service learning "career" is unimpressive. I have not recieved thunderous appalauses or fame of any kind, and yet I still consider my time in Ms. Brown's group to be one of the most globally important activities I have ever done. The group, "Global Health", focused on promoting good health and fighting various diseases all over the world, but especially in less - developed countries that do not have the ability to provide adequate health care for their people. We raised public awareness against diseases that could be easily prevented - such as AIDS, microbial diarrhea and most of STDs - and then posted this information online so that it is easily availible to people. We discussed what can be done to increase the living conditions in the poorest regions of the world. We urged fellow students to take action and help the people in developing countries to recieve proper healthcare, either by going to South Africa on one of the school humanitary aid summer trips - in particular those provided by other service learning groups, like "Habitat for Humanity" -or by donating money to one of the NGOs that provide help for the sick and malnourished people in the Third World. We also collected money for NGOs in other ways: in total, we raised over 3500 CHF with "no dress code ticket" and bake sales. Most of the projects that we have done were not individual, but a product of the group's collaboration; we tried to act together as much as possible to achieve the best results. There was no definite leader in the group, aside from Ms. brown, but I usually contacted different members and organised their work and meetings.--
We used the 3500 CHF for helping building the toilets in a local clinic in Zambia as part of Mr Stickley Africa project.